Fool’s Quotes

I wanted to show the random quotes from my PostNuke installation here on this new blog software. Given the details of a Mysql connection, and the table information for the quotes, I wanted to make a new script to display a random quote below the calendar.

I slapped together such a script and you can see the results on the blog (over to the left). I have, of course, released this script as GPL Open Source and you can see the code for the script here:

Fool’s Quotes

Feel free to use it for your own projects. If I ever get around to it, I’ll build in other features like adding, editing, and deleting quotes, showing specific quotes, and showing multiple quotes.

Update:I have updated the quote script to allow the adding of new quotes. Do this by accessing the script with the command “add”, like this: quote.php?command=add. I also added a header/footer file you can use. Download this version, open source:

Fool’s Quote Script 0.7

Incidentally, you can view my quotes and see what I have by accessing the quote script directly. This is faster than simply reloading my home page. You may view the quotes by themselves here.

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