Bridges, Pluperfect Subjunctive, BadgerBadger

Here are a few links from the last few days.

5 thoughts on “Bridges, Pluperfect Subjunctive, BadgerBadger”

  1. I think he was just proud because the pluperfect subjunctive is one of those EXTREME cases that you don’t get much chance to practice reading or writing and hence which are hard to learn, or even conceptualise at first.

  2. Matt, I’m delighted that you like Cliopatria. Visit us often. You’re good company.

  3. OK, I *have* to say something about that maritime self-defense force commercial. Are the TRYING to reinforce the stereotype that the SDF has? Do they just not care? Or are they oblivious to the fact?

    Of course the US navy has the same stereotype, otherwise the Village People would have one less song.

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