Software Plug: VoodooPad

I have been using a piece of software (for Macintosh) over the last six months or so which I have really come to depend on. I have just realized how often I now use this that I wanted to recommend it to others. It is called VoodooPad. It is basically a kind of offline Wiki (although it supports communication with an online wiki) or you can think of it as a kind of “document database.” Basically, if you are a completely disorganized person, like me, and you have lots of little snippets of information (links, dates, lists, notes, etc.) then you can use VoodooPad to keep it all “linked” together in one little file that is easy to backup.

Basically you type in the VoodooPad ($20, or free Lite version) notebook and create a new document by putting two words together and making it a “link” which automatically creates a blank document in VoodooPad. You can then create more links within that document to new documents and so on. The new documents can open in a new window or in the same window (kinda like a document “browser”). You can also drag web links into the pad (which open a browser when you click on them) or files (which open the file when you click on its link). I first found this useful when preparing for my PhD applications. I made a “link” for “PHDNotes” and then a link for each school I was looking into, then each professor, department, or various categories of information about the application process. It was then easy to add tons of information within any of these while still having it all kind of “naturally” organized like a Wiki website might be. Of course, you can search through all your documents at once and export data in various formats. For a person like me, either I dump stuff like this in dozens of files and never remember what goes where, or I tend to dump everything into one file which is really a pain to sift through.

Movable Type Update

Movable Type has updated to 3.0. This blog, as well as about a dozen other blogs I manage and host for friends runs Movable Type. Another dozen or so blogs I manage and host for friends runs WordPress. Following the new licensing restrictions of Movable Type, I regret to say that I will no longer be installing or updating any of the Movable Type blogs. Any future projects I will be doing involving blogs will be using WordPress or other open source software like it. Furthermore, I have donated $20 to WordPress and hope its developers continue to add features and further support for international and multi-lingual blogs. And if they don’t, being open source, anyone else can come along and add these features themselves. I encourage others to donate to them, especially those among my friends who I have installed the program for.
Continue reading Movable Type Update

Open Access

One thing I hope to think a lot about in graduate school (assuming I will still have time for personal thinking) is how academic work is published/distributed. As most of my friends know, I’m very interested in and active in the “open” source/access/content movement but I’m far from having sorted out all my thoughts on this when it comes to history and the academic world. The key word, and most troublesome issue is “peer review” or more broadly the academic world as meritocracy. There are lots of blogs talking about this already but the postings are all over the place. One particularly high concentration of stuff is being written on the Open Access News blog. For example see this entry on how the scientific journal Nature is thinking about open access publishing.

Comment Problems

There is suddenly a problem posting on my blog, as you can see from the error message as you try…I’m going to look into this when I get some internet access and free time, I apologize in the meantime…

UPDATE: I fixed it…

Fool’s Quotes

I wanted to show the random quotes from my PostNuke installation here on this new blog software. Given the details of a Mysql connection, and the table information for the quotes, I wanted to make a new script to display a random quote below the calendar.

I slapped together such a script and you can see the results on the blog (over to the left). I have, of course, released this script as GPL Open Source and you can see the code for the script here:

Fool’s Quotes

Feel free to use it for your own projects. If I ever get around to it, I’ll build in other features like adding, editing, and deleting quotes, showing specific quotes, and showing multiple quotes.

Update:I have updated the quote script to allow the adding of new quotes. Do this by accessing the script with the command “add”, like this: quote.php?command=add. I also added a header/footer file you can use. Download this version, open source:

Fool’s Quote Script 0.7

Incidentally, you can view my quotes and see what I have by accessing the quote script directly. This is faster than simply reloading my home page. You may view the quotes by themselves here.

Security Code for Posting Comments

I have installed James Seng‘s excellent little MoveableType plugin which helps prevent bots from spamming the comments of a blog. When you post a comment to this blog, to prove you are human, you will need to enter a number which is visible as an image. Until comment spammers come up with some way to identify these pictures as numbers, they will have to input their spam by hand, like the Mugu Men do.

Sorry for the inconvenience but consider this as an opportunity to practice your touch typing of numbers when you submit comments to this blog.

Entries Transferred

The process of transferring entries from PostNuke to MT is complete so all the articles are here. Left to do: 1) move all the comments over 2) Add all the links and quotes to the templates 3) Make a design for the new Muninn.

Muninn on Moveable Type

I am in the process of transferring Muninn to Moveable Type. For a few days things will be in a state of flux here…I need to import entries, etc. The link to the home page will remain the same…

Simple URLs for PostNuke

I got tired of the fact that my site can’t be easily searched on Google and has a poor ranking. Ok, so my site has a poor ranking because no one is linking to it, but deep articles aren’t showing up at all because even if people linked to them, they aren’t linking to the “print” version which is the only think which is cached by Google from Muninn. Only the main page and the “print” version of the articles at Muninn make it to Google’s archive because it ignores the long complex links which PostNuke, which I run Muninn on, uses far too much.

After poking around, many others have had a similar problem. The simplest solution I found here (at another complex URL).

It didn’t work completely because my site uses “&” for ampersands instead of just “&” so I had to modify the code for the replace_for_mod_rewrite and also used the code for this function based on a site that linked to the above article at Aquanuke. In case others have the same problem, try the version of the function below (read more) instead of the one found at those various sites:
Continue reading Simple URLs for PostNuke

Using Unicode (UTF-8) in Postnuke

Ok, for a long time now I have wanted to switch the encoding for Muninn to Unicode so that I can easily display Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. I love the PostNuke software, but it isn’t good for everything. One thing it isn’t good for is support sites like the one at An article based approach is not good for reference sites and they obviously haven’t gotten that.

Anyways, a search on their site or on google turned up nothing. Only by wandering into their forums, did I realize the search there (which appears to be running phpBB) turned up the answer. If you ant to change your site to Unicode with Postnuke, simply:

1. Locate the file “global.php” in your blog folder’s:


2. search down the list until you find this line:


3. Change this line to:


That is all there is to it.